Deine Schilddrüse benötigt Jod und Selen – unser T3 Support zur Unterstützung ihrer Funktionalität

Your thyroid gland needs iodine and selenium - our T3 support to support its functionality


A small organ with a big effect - your thyroid gland

The thyroid gland is a small, butterfly-shaped organ that lies below the larynx of the trachea. It produces and releases the two thyroid hormones T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine), which controls your metabolism and thus functions such as the heartbeat or the digestive system.

T3 and T4 are monitored and controlled by two control regions of your body. The pituitary gland and the hypothalamus (a region in the brain) use the hormone level in the blood as a reference value. If your hormone level is too low, the pituitary gland sends out the messenger substance TSH (thyrotropin), which causes the thyroid gland to release more hormones. Of course, the process works the other way around as well - if your hormone levels are too low, the pituitary gland withholds further TSH until a balance is restored.

It is normal that hormones fluctuate from time to time and are therefore not permanently at one level. In some people, however, the thyroid gland does not function properly for various reasons, which can lead to over- or underactivity, for example. The concentration of thyroid hormones in the blood is increased in hyperthyroidism. This disorder is accompanied by symptoms such as insomnia, weight loss, diarrhea or fatigue. In hypothyroidism, the thyroid gland is unable to produce enough hormones to function well, despite any emission of the neurotransmitter TSH. However, since the thyroid is responsible for pretty much every aspect of metabolism, this can have fatal consequences. Reduced performance, fatigue and constipation can be typical complaints. Often, hypothyroidism also manifests itself in weight gain.

The functionality of your thyroid gland and thus a large part of your health is close to our hearts. To support your thyroid in its normal function and to prevent an underactive thyroid from developing in the first place, we have developed our ESN T3 Support. As the name suggests, it supports your body in hormone production and conversion. The support process is ensured by our optimal combination of iodine and selenium.

Iodine and selenium - the two important trace elements for your thyroid gland

The most common causes of hypothyroidism include the autoimmune disease Hashimoto, thyroiditis and iodine deficiency. To treat thyroid disease, a doctor should always be consulted and appropriate treatment secured. With our ESN T3 Support we fight iodine deficiency - as one of the most common causes - and thus support not only the healthy functionality of your thyroid gland, but also offer your body other benefits through the proven effect of iodine and selenium.

Iodine and selenium are two trace minerals that work together to support healthy thyroid function. Iodine plays a key role in the production of the thyroid hormones T3 and T4, in addition to controlling the activation of T4 into T3. Selenium is a component of the enzyme thyroxine-5-deiodase and is thus involved in the activation of thyroid hormones. Thus, if too little selenium is available, the inactive T4 cannot be converted into active T3, so that hypothyroidism can also be promoted by a selenium deficiency.

Current supply situation with iodine and selenium in Germany

Since the soils in Germany are very poor in iodine and selenium, this deficiency is also apparent in plant and animal foods, which means that you cannot adequately cover your requirements of both trace elements through your everyday diet.

The figures on iodine supply are alarming: according to the National Nutrition Survey II (NVS II) of the Max Rubner Institute (MRI), 97% of women and 96% of men do not reach the reference values for sufficient intake.[¹] In 2015, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) confirmed the figures in its report on health in Germany.[²] Most recently, the Federal Office for Risk Assessment (BfR) also warned of a further decline in iodine intake with all its negative consequences for health.[³]

Jodzufuhr in Deutschland

Figures on iodine intake in the D-A-CH region of the Max Rubner Institute[¹]

The Federal Center for Nutrition (BZfE) already pointed out in 2017 that selenium deficiency is increasing in the population and that such a deficiency can lead to diseases of the heart muscle.[⁴] According to current estimates, only 40 mcg of selenium are consumed daily in Germany. This value is significantly below the recommended reference amount, about which you will learn more below.

Your need for iodine and selenium to optimally support your thyroid gland.

According to NRV (nutrition reference values), the requirements of 55 mcg of selenium and 150 mcg of iodine per day were established in 2008 for a sufficient - i.e. not optimal - supply for a normally active person. The German Nutrition Society (DGE) also sets its recommendation conservatively low at 60-70 mcg selenium and 200 mcg iodine per day, because the current literature from 2020 states the following reference values: 100 mcg selenium per day for an adequate supply and 250 mcg selenium per day for an optimal supply (Biesalski, 2020).

If you do a lot of sports, a sufficient supply of minerals is of particular importance for you, as your requirement is significantly increased. Through sports you release 30-50 mcg of iodine per liter of sweat and depending on your activity and the environmental conditions your sweat loss varies between 0.5 and 1.7 liters per hour.[⁵] [⁶] This in turn corresponds to an iodine loss of 15 to 85 mcg per hour.

Your thyroid health is what drives us - use our T3 Support for your optimal supply.

At ESN, we've taken the fact that critical supply is incompatible with your thyroid's needs to heart and developed our ESN T3 Support for you.

Iodine is required for the formation of the thyroid hormones T4 and T3. It controls the activation of T4 in T3. Thus, it contributes significantly to the healthy production of thyroid hormones and normal thyroid function. The BfR only warned again at the beginning of 2021 that iodine intake in the German population will continue to decline. Considering that chronic iodine deficiency can cause thyroid enlargement, which affects more than one-third of the population, this is particularly concerning. Furthermore, iodine supports your energy metabolism. So your body may be lacking iodine if you often feel low in energy even though you are getting enough sleep and eating. Another benefit is in your cognitive functions - if you can't concentrate well or have trouble learning or thinking, an iodine deficiency may be the determining reason. In addition to supporting healthy functioning of your nervous system, iodine also plays an important role in maintaining healthy skin. If you have problems with dry or flaky skin, this may also be a sign that your iodine intake is too low.

Selenium, on the other hand, helps maintain normal hair and nails. So if you don't have healthy-looking hair and nails and your zinc needs are met, it's not unlikely that your body is lacking selenium. However, if your zinc needs are not met either, our ESN Zinc can help you meet your daily zinc needs. Another important task of selenium is the protection of our cells against free radicals or oxidative stress. In fact, selenium is one of the most important antioxidants, along with the better-known vitamins C and E. In order for your thyroid gland to function healthily, it needs selenium as a component of the enzyme thyroxine-5-deiodase so that the hormones can be activated and the inactive T4 can be converted into active T3. But your immune system will also thank you if you take selenium through a dietary supplement. If you catch colds frequently and are depressed and lack energy as a result, your body may not be getting enough selenium. This is not at all unlikely with the suboptimal supply.

You see - iodine and selenium alone, but especially in combination, offer many benefits that promote your health. With 150 mcg of iodine and 82.5 mcg of selenium, our ESN T3 Support is dosed so that you can optimally supplement your diet with the trace elements and not run the risk of overdosing.








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