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Code of Conduct for Suppliers and Business Partners

Scope of application:

This Code of Conduct for Suppliers and Partners (“CoC SaP”) applies to suppliers and business partners of Asterix HoldCo AG ("Asterix HoldCo") and all its affiliated companies (Asterix HoldCo and all its affiliated companies together "TQG Group").

1. Our Values Compass

1.1. We, the TQG Group, are a young, growing company in a constantly changing society. Our aim is to work with our suppliers and business partners to offer unique, high-quality products that meet the highest ethical, social and environmental standards.

1.2. Business relationships with our partners are based on mutual trust, integrity and respect. This CoC SaP sets out the expectations that represent our value compass. It contains the standards that we set for our suppliers, business partners, and their supply chain regarding human rights, environmental protection, business ethics and integrity.

1.3. We strive for a long-term partnership with our suppliers and business partners based on ethical principles. Therefore, we require all suppliers and business partners who act on behalf of the TQG Group and/or provide goods or services in return for payment to comply with this CoC SaP.

1.4. This applies to all suppliers and business partners of the TQG Group and their subsidiaries, affiliated companies, subcontractors and business partners. We await every member of the supply chain to comply with this CoC SaP.

2. Compliance with Legal Regulations and Obligations

2.1. We expect our suppliers and business partners to know and strictly comply with all applicable laws, regulations and international agreements that apply to them and their business. This applies in particular to the areas of labour law, environmental protection, health and food safety. Where local laws deviate from the standards of this CoC SaP, we expect compliance with the strictest requirements.

2.2. We require our suppliers and business partners to always meet the strictest requirements, whether these are set out in this CoC SaP or in local or global laws. We focus on quality, which is why we expect that the requirements set by us or by law will be regarded as a minimum standard, but that higher-quality performance will be striven for.

2.3. We expect all our suppliers and business partners to communicate the stated requirements to their supply chain through effective management systems, policies, procedures and trainings.

2.4. Suppliers and business partners shall promptly notify TQG Group of any material issues concerning the goods and services they provide.

2.5. In addition, all contractual obligations to the TQG Group must be fulfilled in full.

3. Respect for Human Rights and Fair Treatment of People

3.1. Our suppliers and business partners must respect the rights of their employees and ensure that safe, fair and healthy working conditions are provided throughout the supply chain. Any form of human trafficking, forced labour or child labour as defined by the International Labor Organization (ILO) is strictly prohibited.

3.2. In addition, they must ensure an inclusive and ethical working environment free of harassment and discrimination in which equal opportunities are guaranteed to all employees regardless of gender, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, religion or disability.

3.3. We expect our suppliers and business partners to respect employees' rights to organize, voice concerns without retaliation, and meet or exceed legal standards for compensation and working conditions. The right of employees to freedom of association and collective bargaining must also be respected throughout the supply chain.

4. Sustainability and Environmental Protection

4.1. Our suppliers, business partners, and their subcontractors must take proactive steps to minimize their environmental impact and ensure a sustainable supply chain. This includes reducing CO2 emissions, avoiding waste, and using resources efficiently. We expect suppliers and business partners to adopt practices that contribute to environmental preservation and continuously improve their environmental impact.

4.2. We also require the implementation of sustainable production processes aligned with industry standards and our environmental commitment. This includes regularly evaluating production methods, resource use, and waste management. Suppliers and business partners should prioritize environmentally friendly innovations and adopt cleaner technologies where possible.

4.3. Continuous improvement in environmental management is essential. We encourage suppliers and business partners to set clear sustainability goals, track progress, and ensure accountability. Together, we can reduce our collective footprint and foster a more sustainable future.

5. Quality and Product Safety

5.1. We set the highest quality and safety standards for our products and demand strict compliance with all legal regulations and TQG Group specifications from our suppliers, business partners and sub-suppliers. This includes in particular the implementation of regular quality controls, inspections and audits to ensure that the agreed-upon standards are consistently met.

5.2. In addition, immediate information of the TQG Group about any potential safety or quality problems is required to ensure product safety. Prompt and transparent communication as well as quick and solution-oriented actions are critical to resolve any concerns that could affect the integrity of our products.

5.3. We also expect our suppliers and business partners to follow the highest standards in food manufacturing, storage, packaging, and transportation to safeguard our products and consumers. Supplier and business partners must meet or exceed agreed specifications to ensure the quality promised to our customers. Any concerns related to product safety or quality must be reported accurately, completely, and without delay, in full compliance with our requirements.

6. Accounting and Financial Transparency

6.1. The maintenance of proper, transparent and accurate accounting along with clear and comprehensible documentation of all transactions, is a central obligation of our suppliers and business partners. We require that all financial records and books reflect transactions in an accurate, honest, complete, and timely manner, ensuring that no detail is omitted or obscured. Fraud, bribery, or any form of unfair business practices will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

6.2. Suppliers and business partners are expected to employ appropriate audit and compliance processes to ensure the highest standards in areas such as product and food safety, workers health and safety, financial reporting, and labor practices. These processes must be robust and regularly evaluated to maintain compliance with both legal requirements and our company standards.

6.3. Any form of fraud, bribery, the misuse of assets or unfair business practices as well as the solely attempt will not be tolerated. To support transparency, we require the disclosure of the locations of facilities and the known origins of materials upon request, enabling full traceability throughout the supply chain. This level of transparency is critical to maintaining trust and accountability in all business operations.

7. Responsible Market Presence

We insist that our suppliers and business partners do not use or engage misleading marketing strategies and provide transparent, fact-based information about their products. Additionally, all our suppliers and business partners must establish clear guardrails to ensure that any claims made about their products are substantiated by reliable evidence, promoting honesty and integrity in all marketing efforts. This commitment to transparency not only protects consumers but also strengthens the trust and credibility of our brands.

8. Corruption Prevention and Ethical Behaviour

8.1. Any form of corruption, bribery, money laundering or unethical behaviour by our suppliers, business partners, and their subcontractors are strictly prohibited. Transparent and fair business relationships based on trust and integrity are of the utmost importance to us.

8.2. All supplier and business partners must ensure that their operations and practices uphold the highest ethical standards, fostering an environment where integrity is paramount. At no time may gifts or payments be offered to members or employees of the TQG Group or public officials with the aim of influencing business decisions.

8.3. Additionally, it is essential for all our supplier and business partners to comply with all anticorruption laws and regulations that govern their operations in the countries in which they do business. Adhering to these laws not only protects our collective reputations but also strengthens the foundation of our business relationships. We believe that by promoting ethical conduct and compliance, we can create a culture of accountability and respect that benefits all parties involved.

9. Fair Competition and Integrity

9.1. We insist that our suppliers, business partners and subcontractors act fairly in free competition. It is imperative that their supply chain is characterized by performance and innovation rather than unlawful agreements or unfair means. Our suppliers and business partners must never offer or accept improper incentives related to the business of the TQG Group. Business practices that unlawfully restrain competition, such as improper exchanges of information, spying, and price fixing, are strictly prohibited.

9.2. Additionally, we emphasize the importance of avoiding conflicts of interest with employees of the TQG Group. All business decisions must be made based on integrity and transparency, ensuring that no financial interests or other arrangements create inappropriate relationships with our employees. By maintaining clear boundaries and ethical standards, we can foster an environment of trust and accountability that benefits all stakeholders involved.

10. Protection of Confidential Information

10.1. Our suppliers and business partners are required to protect and safeguard the TQG Group's confidential information, including business data, intellectual property and personal data, from unauthorized disclosure and to ensure the protection of this confidential information throughout their supply chain.

10.2. The systems and practices implemented must ensure that confidential data is secure and always protected from misuse. This includes safeguarding any confidential information related to TQG Group, its suppliers, employees, and consumers. All suppliers and business partners must take diligent steps to protect intellectual property, trade secrets, patents, and financial information while it is under their control. Additionally, it is crucial to avoid any situations that could adversely affect our business interests or reputation.

10.3. Moreover, compliance with insider trading laws is essential. Suppliers and business partners must take proactive measures to prevent their employees from trading TQG Group securities while possessing material non-public information. This includes implementing training and awareness programs to ensure that all staff understand their responsibilities regarding confidentiality and the legal implications of insider trading. By prioritizing these practices, we can maintain the integrity of TQG Group's sensitive information and uphold the trust placed in us by our stakeholders.

11. Notice of Violations

11.1. Anyone who suspects that a supplier or business partner of the TQG Group is committing or has committed a violation of the aforementioned regulations has the opportunity to contact the external ombudsperson of the TQG Group. The ombudsperson will examine each report objectively and, if desired, anonymously and take appropriate measures to clarify the incident, eliminate the violation and/or prevent further incidents.

11.2. The TQG Group Ombudsperson can be contacted in the following ways:

Attorney Dr. Kathrin J. Niewiarra, Ombudswoman
Sybelstr. 7
D-10629 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0) 30 / 4036750-17 - Hintbox

Board of Asterix HoldCo AG