Erdnussbutter zum Abnehmen

Lose weight with peanut butter

Calorie bomb or helper? Peanut butter can do more than you think

Ein Glas mit Erdnussbutter

Losing weight with peanut butter, is that even possible? What may sound strange, since the peanut is widely known as a calorie bomb, turns out to work: peanuts can do more than just provide calories. Used properly, they can even help you lose weight on your diet and, under the right circumstances, boost your health. As a low carb product, peanut butter complements your diet plan and the proteins provide your muscles with the energy they need.

We show you how to use Peanut butter at Lose weight and why the legume is healthier than commonly believed.


Can you lose weight with peanut butter?

Losing weight with peanut butter is definitely possible, as it scores with its proteins, healthy fatty acids and fiber. The fiber helps you feel full, prevents cravings and boosts your metabolism,[1] which helps you burn fat.

So peanut butter is great for weight loss, like our ESN Peanut Butter.

Want to get the benefits of peanut cream, butter or jam for your diet? Then try our ESN Peanut Butter to help you lose weight.

Erdnussbutter von ESN

  • Naturbelassene Erdnussbutter
  • Ohne Zusatz von Zucker, Palmöl, Konservierungsstoffen
  • Hoher Ballaststoffgehalt
Jetzt Erdnussbutter kaufen

Is peanut butter good for weight loss?

Thanks to its ingredients such as proteins, fibers and fats, peanut butter or peanut butter can help you lose weight. However, to lose weight, you should also pay attention to theamount and other foods you eat along with peanut butter, because peanuts naturally contain many calories.

When you eat carbohydrate-rich foods, insulin[2],[3] is secreted. This, in turn, stores fat in the body, making you more likely to gain weight.[4] So to lose weight with peanut butter, you'd better combine it with other proteins or fats and remember the motto: "Less is more!".

How does peanut butter help you lose weight?

Peanut butter contains not only protein, unsaturated fatty acids and fiber, but also numerous vitamins and minerals such as potassium, zinc, magnesium, vitamin E and arginine.[5] These can support the functions of the cardiovascular system and also promote the Muscle building. Especially consumed in the evening, peanut butter helps you lose weight, as your body regenerates and builds muscle at night.

Because: The fiber satiates you, helps your stomach and intestines with digestion and protects you from cravings. Instead of reaching for carbohydrates, peanut butter is therefore suitable - pure or as a spread. The great aroma of the nuts can also be used in cooking.

Lose weight with peanut butter: How can it be integrated into the diet?

Müsli mit Erdnussbutter

You can incorporate peanut butter into your diet in a number of ways. No matter what your preferences are, due to the diversity of peanut butter for weight loss, you will certainly always be able to accommodate a spoonful or two of pleasure, for example:

  • a spoonful pure as a snack
  • with almond milk in your muesli or porridge
  • in a smoothie with cinnamon, cocoa powder and an avocado or banana
  • as a dip with soy sauce, ginger and lime juice for summer rolls
  • as a topping for pancakes
  • for protein shakes
  • as a sauce on sandwiches or with various savory dishes
  • as a spread on bread

What should you pay attention to when losing weight with peanut butter?

If you want to lose weight with peanut butter, you should urgently pay attention to the amount and the ingredients. This is because peanut butter contains fat and calories that can sabotage your weight loss diet should you consume too much of it.

In addition, the quality of your peanut butter for weight loss should be right: If it is enriched with refined sugar and other ingredients, it adds more calories as well as carbohydrates that release insulin, causing your body to store fat instead of burning it! That's why the ingredient list of your peanut butter should ideally only containpeanuts - with ESN Peanut Butter, you can even lose weight vegan, because it consists of 100% roasted peanuts.

Try our peanut butter ESN Peanut Butter without added sugar - 100% from nature!

Erdnussbutter von ESN

  • Naturbelassene Erdnussbutter
  • Ohne Zusatz von Zucker, Palmöl, Konservierungsstoffen
  • Hoher Ballaststoffgehalt
Jetzt Erdnussbutter kaufen

What happens when you eat peanut butter every day?

Mit Erdnussbutter Muskeln aufbauen

Peanut butter can have different effects on your body, thanks to its various ingredients so also positive. In fact, one study of women found a 20% lower risk of type 2 diabetes if they ate peanut butter at least five times a week.[6]

This is probably due to the healthy fats in peanut butter, which, according to scientists, have a positive effect on blood lipid levels as well as insulin resistance.[7] Also, when losing weight, the fiber in peanut butter can prevent cravings and keep you full longer, which can help support your diet.

It can also help you build muscle, as peanut butter provides a lot of protein, which helps you build and maintain muscle mass. When eating it, however, you should be careful not to consume too much each day - otherwise you will gain weight rather than lose it!

How much peanut butter per day?

If you want to lose weight with peanut butter, two to three tablespoons a day are enough, because they already contain between 200 and 300 calories. As a snack between meals, one teaspoon is enough - so you can snack on peanut butter alone or add it to a dish several times a day without standing in the way of your goal.

How unhealthy is peanut butter?

When eaten in moderation, peanut butter with high-quality ingredients, i.e. without added sugar or palm oil, is healthy: it supports your cardiovascular system,[8] can prevent type 2 diabetes,[9] reduces cravings and supports your metabolism as well as your digestion.[10] Peanut butter provides your body with important nutrients such as protein, unsaturated fatty acids, zinc, vitamin E, potassium, magnesium and fiber[11]

Unsaturated fatty acids additionally help maintain normal blood cholesterol levels, which can have a positive effect on heart health.[12] Contained potassium, in turn, is involved in various processes of the body, for example, the regulation of water balance, blood pressure, maintaining the tone of the vessels as well as the muscles.[13]

So losing weight with peanut butter is healthy if you read the ingredient list and eat your butter of choice in moderation.

Integrate peanut butter for weight loss and muscle building.

Peanut butter in the right measure can have a positive impact on your weight loss goals. In addition, it can also garner other pluses that affect your overall health, such as lowering your risk of type 2 diabetes and helping your body build muscle. So this legume really has it all.

Be sure to eat no more than three tablespoons a day to help regulate calories. And remember: Ideally, your peanut butter should only contain peanuts - like our ESN Peanut Butter. That's the only way you'll get quality nutrients and support your weight loss goals.

If you don't like peanuts, if the unsweetened butter is too tart for you or if you have an intolerance, you can alternatively use almond or cashew butter. These contain similar nutrients to peanut butter and can also help you lose weight. Or why not try Whey Proteinanother way to lose weight and build muscle at the same time!

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