Proteinshake zum Abnehmen – Zweierlei Genuss

Protein shake for weight loss - Twofold pleasure

Your goal is to lose weight and reach your desired weight? You want to finally feel good in your skin and wonder whether a protein shake is suitable for losing weight? - Then you've come to the right place! We will explain to you how losing weight works and how a protein shake can simply help you to reach your goal. You will notice that losing weight is not as difficult as you think.

The fact that protein powder is now a very popular and frequently used product is not due to hype, but especially to its added value. It is used not only by athletic personalities who want to build muscle, but also by men and women who want to lose weight and visually approach their personal ideal.


The most important thing for your diet - the calorie deficit

Losing weight primarily depends on a calorie deficit. This means that you need to eat fewer calories than you burn, because only then does your body begin to break down the fat reserves you have built up. The food intake is based on the three macronutrients carbohydrates (4 kcal per gram), fats (9 kcal per gram) and proteins (4 kcal per gram). Unlike carbohydrates and fats, protein is much more satiating. The more you cover your protein requirement, which is around 1.5-2 grams per kilogram of body weight, the less you give your cravings a chance. The special advantage: You save calories, avoid hunger pangs and are still full of energy.

Your daily calorie needs depend on your height, weight and activity level. If you exercise, this will increase not only your calorie needs, but also your protein needs. A good guideline for distributing your macronutrients is around 50-60% carbohydrates, 15-25% protein and 20-30% fat.

Natural protein sources

Along with many natural sources of protein such as fish and eggs, protein shake for weight loss can be an additional and quick source of the important macronutrient. Protein powder sounds tasteless? - Wrong, because now there are no longer only the classic flavors. There are no limits to your creativity! The powder is versatile. It fits in your coffee, your morning porridge and in delicious baked goods, which can be prepared almost as quickly as a simple protein shake for weight loss. With our ESN Designer Whey Protein Powder samples, you can easily sample your way through our wide variety of flavors.

Designer Whey Protein Shake for weight loss

Whey or casein protein as a protein shake for weight loss?

Before you start looking for the right protein powder, you should know that two common protein sources can be distinguished from each other: Whey Protein and Casein Protein. While both are found in their natural form in milk, there is a difference that is relevant to you. Whey protein is a very high-quality protein source for athletes, as it is quickly utilized by the body and supplies it with important muscle building blocks, especially after sports. In addition, a distinction is also made between Whey Protein, Whey Isolate and Whey Concentrate. In our article Whey Isolate vs. Whey Protein you can learn more about it.

Casein protein, on the other hand, is absorbed much more slowly by the body. This has the advantage that it supplies the body with important muscle building blocks over several hours. For you and your plan this means: You effectively counteract your hunger and can keep your calorie deficit much more relaxed. Should you completely renounce animal products, this is of course no problem. There are now also delicious vegetable protein shakes for weight loss. Our Vegan Pro Complex is ideal for this purpose.

Convince yourself of the nutritional miracle - The protein shake for weight loss

Sounds too good to be true? - Then wait no longer, but convince yourself of the extra portion of protein for weight loss. Because remember: How often do little traps lurk in the diet that make you buy a calorie-rich meal on the go again due to sudden cravings and lack of time? Especially in these dicey situations, simple protein shakes for weight loss help you keep your insulin levels constant so you can resist a possible sin. Because one thing is important: without a calorie deficit, you won't notice any visual change in your body. Therefore, you should not lack a portion of iron will - it's worth it!

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