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Wie Vegetarier ihren Proteinbedarf mit einer proteinreichen Ernährung ohne Fleisch decken Athleten, die Fisch und Fleisch essen, fällt es meist leicht, ihren täglichen Proteinbedarf zu decken. Als Vegetarier fallen diese Proteinquellen zwar weg, dennoch gibt es genügend vegetarische Alternativen. Denn...
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This is why protein shakes are important for your training If you want to build muscle fast, increase the level of macronutrients and shorten your recovery time at the same time, a high-quality protein shake is hard to beat â€"...
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This is how fast muscle building with protein shakes can work Until a few years ago, mainly bodybuilders used protein shakes to build muscle. Now, however, more and more people are using protein shakesas a dietary supplement - they have...
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